Pregnant women and their families should not be left behind in the fight against COVID-19

Professor Hora Soltani MBE, PhD, MMedSci, BSc, RM I am not an expert in communicable diseases, particularly with this strange virus which caught all of us offhand. However, out of professional and personal curiosity, I have been looking at the literature surrounding COVID-19 and pregnancy adverse outcomes and explored some recent evidence on the short … Read more Pregnant women and their families should not be left behind in the fight against COVID-19

A student’s experience of family nursing

Emily Carr – Adult Nursing Student, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK   My experience of family nursing The word ‘family’ evokes, for many, the traditional sense of a nuclear family: wife, husband and children, but the modern world demands an ever developing need to move away from this restricted view. This is especially pertinent within the … Read more A student’s experience of family nursing

Racism influences family health

IFNA President, Professor Sonja J. Meiers PhD RN PHN  The International Family Nursing Association (IFNA) embraces a compassionate family focus on health, social justice, human dignity, and respect for all. The vision of IFNA is to transform health for families worldwide. The senseless and tragic instance of 46-year old African American Mr. George Floyd’s death … Read more Racism influences family health

Veronica Lambert recognised in the top 100 health care leaders in Ireland

We are so proud of our Chapter Co-Lead, Professor Veronica Lambert, who has recently been recognised as one of the top 100 healthcare leaders in Ireland by Hospital Professional News Ireland. The ‘Professional 100’ celebrates Ireland’s top healthcare achievers from a range of disciplines, ranging from frontline clinicians to those working in the pharmaceutical industry, … Read more Veronica Lambert recognised in the top 100 health care leaders in Ireland

New website launched to support family-focussed healthcare in UK and Ireland

New website launched to support family-focussed healthcare in UK and Ireland COVID-19 has seen more families caring for loved ones with acute illnesses and now Sheffield Hallam University has co-designed a new website dedicated to supporting the role of family-focussed healthcare in the UK and Ireland. Family nursing, midwifery and community care focuses on promoting … Read more New website launched to support family-focussed healthcare in UK and Ireland

How family nursing can promote shared decision-making and patient safety

Rachel Power, Chief Executive of The Patients Association In our recent report, Being a Patient, we found that patients found being ill frustrating, frightening and left them feeling vulnerable. Although the report also identified positive aspects, such as having received high quality care, and valuing the expertise of the clinicians who treated them, our overall … Read more How family nursing can promote shared decision-making and patient safety

Family nursing – why and what is it?

Professor Alison Metcalfe PhD BSc RN PG Cert

For decades, nursing in all specialties in the UK has focused on improving and developing patient-centred or client-centred care. Highly laudable and imperative to providing care that recognises the patient / client as an individual, with their own values, beliefs, knowledge and experiences. However, some nurses are beginning to recognise that patient-centred care is only the tip of the iceberg in assisting patients / clients to recovery, healing or learning to live with long-term conditions or adjust to life changing events such as childbirth, death and bereavement. Patients or clients’ management of their health, illness and wellbeing is dependent on their most ‘significant others’, their families and friends or ‘relational care’.

Read moreFamily nursing – why and what is it?

Early beginnings

Dr Kit Chesla DNSc RN FAAN

The development of the International Family Nursing Association (IFNA) is a remarkable story of courage and commitment by a dedicated group of international nurses who were united by a goal to improve the health and wellbeing of families around the globe. My name is Dr. Kit Chesla and I am a Professor Emerita at University of California, San Francisco, Department of Family Health Care Nursing. I was a steering committee member who helped with the early formation of IFNA as a professional organisation (along with. Drs. Bell, Curry & Knafl).

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The 15th International Family Nursing Conference is going virtual

The IFNA Board of Directors, reposted from the IFNA website, published in July 2020

After thoughtful consideration of the continued influences of COVID-19 on persons, families, and institutions, the International Family Nursing Association Board of Directors has made the difficult decision to conduct the 15th International Family Nursing Conference (IFNC15) “Family Nursing Across the Life Course” virtually to keep all members safe and healthy.

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The vital importance of family nursing and midwifery in the UK and Ireland

Professor Veronica Swallow, Professor Alison Metcalfe and Professor Veronica Lambert, Chapter Co-leads, reposted from the Evidence-Based Nursing blog, published in March 2020

Nurses and midwives (nurses) play a major role in supporting people across the life-course. Within multi-disciplinary teams nurses support many patients/clients remotely, but patients/clients rely predominantly on family members for home-based support with self-management. Family nursing provides nursing care to the whole family and to individual family members with attention to relationships among members. When one person in a family has health support needs this can bring family role-changes that cause stress to the family unit, while individual family members may struggle to adapt to the altered circumstances.

Read moreThe vital importance of family nursing and midwifery in the UK and Ireland